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May 2019 Newsletter


We released a new search parameter, our legacy results page goes away June 28, & soon users will be deactivated after 90 days of inactivity.

New Feature

Sitelimit Parameter Now Available on Our Main Index

We recently added support for a parameter called sitelimit to our main web index. Sitelimit is a way to narrow down a search, similar to Collections, allowing flexibility for you and your searchers. This is a nice way to offer alternative search scopes to your searchers via radio buttons or checkboxes, essentially creating on-the-fly collections.

How Does it work?

The sitelimit parameter overrides the Domains list. However, to work, the paths included have to be within the scope of the Domains list in the admin center for the site.

Simply add the following to the URL for the search page:


Multiple paths can be combined with a +, for example:


How to add it

Sitelimit parameters can be added via an input in the search box

<input type="hidden" name="sitelimit" id="sitelimit" value="">

or manually by typing it at the end of the query url.

User Account Changes Coming

Automatic Account Deactivation

In the next few months we are going to implement automatic account deactivation for users that are inactive for 90 days or more. To ensure your account stays active, we ask you to please login today, and come back and visit us often!

If in the future you need to have your access reinstated, please email us.


Legacy Results Page Will be Decommissioned June 28

In 2014 we introduced a mobile friendly responsive results page, while allowing some agencies to continue using the legacy results page. Due to a security vulnerability, non responsive design issues, and budget constraints, we will no longer offer the legacy results page.

Important Dates

By COB June 28th, all sites still using this legacy system will be switched to our mobile friendly layout. If you would like to switch sooner than that, we would be happy to work with you. The week leading up to June 28, we will begin working through all the sites left to convert, even if we have not heard from you: we’ll locate your agency’s basic logo, upload it to the system to serve as your header logo, and on June 28 we will switch your layout.

To view what your results page will look like without any changes, please add your site handle to the link below:

Make the Switch!

Here are some helpful steps to customize your search results page and match your site’s brand before June 28, 2018:

Create a new site

Use the Add Site button at the top of the Admin Center to create a new site. Here is where you can play around with the look and feel before going live.

Define your color scheme on the Fonts & Colors page

Customize your search results page to match your site’s brand.

Upload/Confirm site logo is present

Customize your search results logo to match your site’s brand.

Add your navigation links

Fill out the titles and URLs for the navigation links you’d like to appear in your header Browse Site menu and your footer. Add a tagline with optional image and link.

Bring your finalized design live

Step 1: Tell us when you’re ready to bring the design to your live site. We will update a setting on the back end of our system. This will change your live results page layout and also add some fields to the Fonts and Colors page to match the new site you were working with.

Step 2: Copy your finalized design into your live site.

As mentioned above, if you’re not able to complete these steps before June 28, we will make the update for you, uploading your agency’s basic logo.

If any questions or concerns arise please email us.


Hosted on April 25: Indexing with

If you couldn’t join this webinar last month, no worries, you can watch the recording whenever is a good time for you. In this webinar we will walk you through the indexing process from start to finish.

Coming up on June 12: Intro to

In this webinar we’ll provide a basic overview of’s essential features and tour its Admin Center.

Release Notes

Want to learn about the latest features, fixes, and focuses of the Search team? We post monthly Release Notes on our website.

Read the Latest Notes

May 01, 2019