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Official websites use .gov
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.


Secure .gov websites use HTTPS
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January 2018 Release Notes


  • Our new indexing system has been in production since December! In January, we released several features that are building on and improving our new system:
    • We updated our index with new stemming settings. Stemming refers to how a system processes related words, based on the root of the words. For example, stemming is what allows a search for “renew passport” to show results for “passport renewal”.
    • URLs in our index can be permanently deleted from our system.
    • Documents in our index are now limited to 10 MB in size.
    • We can extract body text from a document if the <main> element is empty.



  • The Instagram section is no longer displayed in the Admin Center dashboard, unless you had an Instagram account added to your search site prior to June 2016. At that time, Instagram began requiring accounts to grant permission to index their images via an integration between systems, which cannot support. Therefore, our Instagram index was last updated in June 2016. Any images in our index prior to that date will continue to be shown on your search results page, as long as you do not remove your Instagram account from the Admin Center. If you remove your account, any photos in our index will be permanently deleted from our system.
  • Drilldown tables and graphs are no longer available in the Monthly Reports section. According to our analytics, the tables and graphs were not being viewed. We anticipate rolling out new analytics viewing options later in 2018.
February 15, 2018