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December 2019 Newsletter


As 2019 comes to a close, we’re happy to share our annual report with you for the first time, plus an invitation to talk faceted search. Year In Review

The searches that shaped 2019 and our System Highlights

As the end of the year approaches, we wanted to share our 2019 in report.

The year in numbers:

  • 295,916,305 queries
  • ~2,000 gov websites
  • 16 top topics

Some of the most searched query topics:

  • Forms
  • Space
  • Benefits
  • Health (physical and mental health)
  • Jobs

System Highlights:

  • Added ranking factors to our search algorithm (popularity, freshness).
  • Released help documentation about site launches and the indexing process.
  • Added a sitelimit feature to provide an alternative to Collection search scoping.
  • Added indexing coverage for javascript pages and other metadata-only files.
  • Increased security on user accounts:
    • Automatic disabling after 90 days of inactivity.
    • MFA login through
  • Upgraded our core software: Rails, Elasticsearch, etc.

Read the full report

You Spoke, We’re Listening!

Metadata and Faceted Search - Tell Us About It

During 2019, we have received many requests to implement metadata-driven search and faceted search in our indexing system. And we are paying attention! So the time has come to learn about how you are managing metadata for your web content, and how you envision using it in your search experience.

We will be hosting a focus group January 23, 2020 at 11:30am ET to discuss these very requested features and similarities and differences in metadata management across different agencies. If you would like to participate in this conversation, please contact us.

Count me in!

Release Notes

Want to learn about the latest features, fixes, and focuses of the Search team? We post monthly Release Notes on our website.

Read the Latest Notes

December 01, 2019