2019 in Review
295,916,305 queries
~2,000 gov websites
16 top topics
365 days of connecting people with what they need.
System Highlights
- Added ranking factors to our search algorithm (popularity, freshness).
- Released help documentation about site launches and the indexing process.
- Added a sitelimit feature to provide an alternative to Collection search scoping.
- Added indexing coverage for javascript pages and other metadata-only files.
- Increased security on user accounts:
- Automatic disabling after 90 days of inactivity.
- MFA login through Login.gov.
- Upgraded Ruby.
- Upgraded Rails.
- Upgraded Elasticsearch.
- Upgraded jQuery.
- Increased server capacity and processing power.
- Added query caching on our primary index to improve response time.
- Expanded our Elasticsearch system twice.